Sand dollars and Saltwater

My husband and I went to the beach today. We live half a mile from it, but don’t get there as much as we would like. Today was perfect. The tourists were farther down, the sun was shining brightly, and the water was a beautiful emerald green.

Neither of us are much for tanning (I’m a ginger and he doesn’t like to bake), so we went straight for the water. I like to float where I can’t touch; he likes to have contact with the bottom. So, we compromise. We go out to the point where I can still touch if I want, or I can go a few feet farther and float.

Today, we met a friendly lady who pointed out that there was a huge purse of sand dollars under our feet. I went under to investigate, and wow! They were everywhere! A little bigger than a silver dollar, there must have been 20 within sight wherever I looked. I picked one up, having never seen a live one before. Holding it in my hand, it felt like a mini-tens unit, vibrating softly in my palm. I put it back in the water, whispering, “Go home little guy.”

Sometimes we forget to notice the beauty that is so close to us. Even if it’s just the shade of green of the grass growing in your front yard, the little hairs on your cat’s chin, or a sand dollar purse in the ocean, take a look around you and find something new to appreciate. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Good. Now, try to do this every day. I promise it’s worth it.

Have a fantastic week!

About Karen Kincel - Author

I am an author. I am an advocate for Mental Illness Awareness and Animal Cruelty. I have two grown boys, a cat, and a horse, err....a Labmeraner (Lab/Weimeraner). I live with my husband in Panama City Beach, Florida. I am in love with laughter, and a mother who would rather die than see my kids suffer. Family is huge to me. Writing is my therapy, my catharsis, my escape. I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them!
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